Hernán Cédola presents 'La pintura silenciosa'

Hernán Cédola presents La pintura silenciosa, an exhibition in the Microespacio del Mueo Provincial Emilio Pettoruti room composed of paintings and drawings made at different times between Argentina and Germany.

Hernán Cédola presents 'La pintura silenciosa'

Cédola's works show a body in movement, where the painting manifests itself as a visual register of actions. In the traces left by these acts-in the oil paths, in the charcoal sprayed on paper-a dance appears that connects the force of automatism with the controlled flow of action painting.
As in a session of free improvisation, Cédola displays forms, textures and stimuli always governed by a rhythm, by a speed, by a visual time that makes visible the agreement between a body in tension that produces, in a mirrored way, a fluid work, developed, that sometimes uses the classic themes of painting to invent variations and movements of homegrown.
Leander Martinelli

MICROESPACIO - Contemporary art room
Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes Emilio Pettoruti
May 11 - Jun 24, 2018