Visual artist and doctoral student in Culture and Society at Universidade Federal da Bahia, Tiago presents, in his Works, a dive into the tensions and representations of Afro-Brazilian identities, understanding the dynamics that involve the production of history and memory.

Through his photographs, paintings, objects, installations and performances, Tiago Sant'Ana brings his research closer to the narratives of the popular imagination and also to the violent reality of the slave and post-abolition periods, extolling the discourse of freedom and citizenship, which from colonialism to today it continues to try to be conquered by the black people in Brazil.
Tiago Sant’Ana's most recent experiences include HANGAR residence, at Centro de Investigação Artística, Lisboa, Portugal (2018); solo exhibitions Aquém-mar, at Senac Lapa Scipião, São Paulo, Brazil (2019), and Casa de Purgar, at Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro and also at Museu de Arte da Bahia, Salvador, Brazil (2018); and the group exhibitions Rua!, at Museu de Arte do Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, The Discovery What Means to Be Brazilian, at Mariane Ibrahim Gallery, United States (2020), MEDO/ANGST, at Weltkunstzimmer, Germany, O rio dos Navegantes, at Museu de Arte do Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2019), and Histórias Afro-Atlânticas, at MASP and Instituto Tomie Ohtake, São Paulo, Brazil (2018). The artist has already won the Soros Arts Fellowship (2020) and Foco ArtRio Award (2019).
Galeria Leme
Av. Valdemar Ferreira, 130, Butantã
São Paulo, Brasil
*cover: "Sugar shoes" series, 2018