Call for entries: Artist-In-Residence International Program 2013 at Buenos Aires
Fundación 'ace para el Arte Contemporáneo invites career as well as emerging artists to apply for residencies within the frame of acePIRAR Artist-in-Residence International Program.

Production, exploration, urban intervention and networking are key words of this program Located in Buenos Aires, Argentina, a cosmopolitan city with the perfect combination of European and South America's roots soul, this modern place for contemporary art production consist of 4 exhibition spaces, painting studio, reading room, a well equipped workshop and printmaking facilities oriented to artists, designers, performers and curators.
We provide: lodging in a guest house in the heart of Buenos Aires, very near of all the major cultural attraction of the city | time and space: modern installations to create new works, research innovative ideas, and experiment with different techniques | professional team support: receive professional technical and artistic direction, personal feedback, critiques and stimulating dialogue.
Guidelines, residency types, fees, application form and comprehensive FAQ, are available online at