Brooklyn Museum e Instagram, en colaboración con el presidente creativo de #BlackVisionaries, Antwaun Sargent, han anunciado los diez ganadores del programa de becas 2022.

El programa, ahora en su segundo año, otorga 650.000 dólares en subvenciones a artistas y diseñadores negros y a empresas dirigidas por personas negras: cinco Visionary Small Business Grants de 100.000 dólares para organizaciones dirigidas por negros centradas en el diseño y cinco Emerging Visionary Grants de 30.000 dólares para individuos negros centrados en el arte y el diseño, concedidas con el apoyo de Meta Open Arts. El objetivo es elevar, centrar e invertir en las voces y organizaciones negras que trabajan en arte y diseño.
Ganadores de la beca Emerging Visionary Grant de 30.000 dólares: Albert Hicks IV, Anaïs Duplan, Christopher Joshua Benton, Cornelius Tulloch y Jaline McPherson.
Ganadores de la beca Visionary Small Business de 100.000 dólares: Black Fashion Fair, The Black School: Design Studio, Dark Matter U, Pacific y Strada.
Como parte del programa de este año, Brooklyn Museum e Instagram también proporcionarán tutoría a cada beneficiario de la beca en colaboración con Mobile Makers, una organización sin ánimo de lucro que ofrece talleres de diseño y desarrollo de habilidades a jóvenes de las comunidades de Chicago y Boston.
Los beneficiarios de este año fueron seleccionados por un comité de artistas y diseñadores dirigido por el comisario y escritor Antwaun Sargent. Los miembros son Asad Syrkett, redactor jefe de Elle Decor, Ruth E. Carter, diseñadora de vestuario ganadora de un Oscar, e Ian Spalter, Director de Metaverse Design en Meta.
Albert L. Hicks IV is half of the design and research studio Ayem, alongside Marcus Washington Jr. Ayem is interested in how communities, spaces, and objects shape culture, language, and perspective.
Anaïs Duplan is a trans* poet, curator, and artist. In 2016, Duplan founded the Center for Afrofuturist Studies, a residency program for artists of color in Iowa City, Iowa, where he received his MFA and where he remains a curator.
Through cultivating retail spaces and experiences, Black Fashion Fair supports the ideas and continued growth of Black designers and Black-owned brands.
The Black School: Design Studio, founded by Joseph Cuillier and Shani Peters, is a full-service design firm and consultancy that uses a community-engaged approach to design products, environments, experiences, and systems.
Christopher Joshua Benton is an American film and installation artist based in Abu Dhabi and Cambridge, Massachusetts. Benton works closely with communities to instigate collaboration and share stories of power, labor, and hope.
Cornelius Tulloch is a Miami-based interdisciplinary artist and designer. With work transcending the definitions of photography, fine art, and architecture, Tulloch focuses on how creative mediums can be combined to tell powerful stories.
Dark Matter U is a BIPOC-led, antiracist design justice network collectively seeking the radical transformation of education and practice for a just future. Formed during summer 2020 in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd and others, DMU aims to work inside and outside existing systems in order to challenge, inform, and reshape our world.
Jaline McPherson is a designer, artist, and writer who seeks to elevate stories of Black cultural landscapes and ethnobotanical histories. Her most recent research used plants, reimagined public spaces, and magic to create an abundant future for the first Black freedmen’s town in the United States.
Pacific, a multidisciplinary creative studio and publishing house, was founded by Elizabeth Karp-Evans and Adam Turnbull in 2017. Their work is centered on creating design and communication systems that innovate and build community at the intersection of art, publishing, placemaking, technology, and culture.
In 2021, at the age of twenty-two, Paul Hill founded Strada, a New York City–based art gallery and online marketplace creating equitable opportunities for young emerging artists.